Sunday, August 16, 2009

My attempt at blogging

Hello there, my empty little blog!
While speaking to a friend this morning at church, we threw around the many reasons TO blog and the ones that usually keep us from blogging. I shared with her that my main desire to blog was to keep a semi journal for my children, so in hopes that one day when they are older, they can read about how much I am crazy mad in love with them!

My second reason would be because, well... I really like to talk. I sometimes talk waaay too much, and often have to tell 2-3 stories to finally arrive at my REAL point! You'll hear me say "I said all of that to say this:" Those of you who know me are probably thinking "yes, and that is quite annoying!" or like that same friend once told me that talking to me was like listening to a streamline of every single thought that was going on in my head, and it was hilarious.

And the 3rd reason she pointed out was simple: It is MY blog. I can write about whatever I want, and if someone wants to read about it, they can. I'm free to do whatever.

So.... after all of that, I have decided I will begin blogging. I am a little nervous about this seeming narcissistic, or like I am jumping on the band wagon (since everyone and their dog has a blog) but I'll just keep whispering "This is MY blog. One day my kids will read these posts and get a glimpse of what it was like to raise them and how fun, frustrating, and full of joy the whole ride was!" And to prove to you how confusing this will be for me, I one night blogged on this very blog and cannot find it anywhere.

(On that note, these blogs ARE forever, right??)